Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago
Go for it and then expand it. Being a billionaire should not be legal.
Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago
Go for it and then expand it. Being a billionaire should not be legal. 10 months ago
Do you think that it wont get expand to the point where it harms you too? Do you think the government would do good things with the increased revenue (if it actually got increased revenue)? 10 months ago
Government is as good or as bad as we make it. Pretending like it can’t be good while actively sabotaging it is conservative’s entire playbook.
And yes, increase my taxes. I’m happy to pay more if we can improve the lives of everyone. If we can pay for things like universal healthcare, good infrastructure, public transit, and decent public housing, double my taxes. 10 months ago
I agree a little bit, but the government tend to be a mechanism to take from one person and give to another. And in regards to america, the money goes directly to killing people all around the world.
If you want to give more money in taxes, why dont you give it away to charity instead? 10 months ago
I loath the argument that government is slow. It is an intellectually lazy argument, if not dishonest. Why do you think that private business is any different? Having experience with a company that was small and nimble that grew to a behemoth. Having friends and acquaintances in places big and small, private and government: you see this at play. You have to accept moving slower at scale, especially at government scale. It is as good at you make it. And at least there is objective accountability from people not using it for passive income. 10 months ago
Exactly this. Any random billionaire has the same Good vs bad argument against them, but without transparency and without accountability… It shouldn’t be 1 white rich guy’s decision how to spend billions of wealth, how society’s wealth is spent should be the result of democratic process, because creating the wealth is an effort in which (nearly) everyone participates too! 10 months ago
When did I say the government is slow? The government is just the most inefficient by nature of how business works. Large corporations are also inefficient, but they tend to be propped up by the government so they dont need to be efficient.