Comment on Forget boomers vs millennials, the next conflict is millennials vs each other 10 months agoMan, I’ve been beating that drum since the whole stupid “okay boomer” bullshit started.
Comment on Forget boomers vs millennials, the next conflict is millennials vs each other 10 months agoMan, I’ve been beating that drum since the whole stupid “okay boomer” bullshit started. 10 months ago
Okay boomer isn’t about wealth inequality though?
It’s like saying incel is a distraction from class inequality, so we shouldn’t talk about it. Boomerism is a mindset where you complain about the younger generation and think yours was great, it’s just name after the generation who put us all through the treatment. 10 months ago
No, it was and always has been about being a dick based on age. It, by nature, divides people by generation, and then age itself regardless of generation.
Anyone that thinks that every baby boomer is that kind of person is a bigger idiot than the boomers that do act, think, and speak like that.
A “generation” didn’t put us through any treatment, any more than a “generation” is lazy, or out it touch, or anything.
The only real flaw of baby boomers as a generation is having the good luck to be born before assholes and sociopaths managed to tear apart the very structures that made the growth and wealth of the post war era possible.
Trying to claim that baby boomers were exclusively responsible for the southern strategy post Nixon, the eighties and the Reagan era policies that demolished real protection for the social net, and generally made things worse is plain dumb. The baby boomers weren’t in fucking power until the tail end of that, and they were never a monolith any more than genX, millennials, or any generation after that.
Okay boomer as a thing is absolutely a distraction from a fundamental aspect of not just american economies and social mores (including wealth/class inequality), but the fact that all of that is a product of western society as a whole, going back to before the Americas were conquered and pillaged.
It’s pure, blind, stupidity. 10 months ago
Okay boomer)