There are differences between play store and other store. For instance, on fdroid you have a pop up asking each and every time if you want to install or update the app after pressing install button. Play store you just click install and let it do its work in the background.
I don’t think fdroid can update app by itself in the background. Play store can.
I mean third party store doesn’t have access to some of the api play store have, things you don’t care but that is important to normies and that would induce reduced profit from epic store. 10 months ago
They probably mean, for example, not having to prompt the user to allow installs from “unknown sources”, allowing alternative app stores to update apps and themselves automatically in the background like Google Play does, allow installations from alternative stores with one tap without extra user interaction, etc. 10 months ago
I must have had an extension at the time, but it sounds like F-Droid does automatic updates for anything Android 12+ now?
I guess the nag screen can be scary, though. Good point 10 months ago
The nag screen is important for a bunch of less technically literate people who would otherwise install malware without thinking twice.
Or even once. 10 months ago
I really don’t know how to feel about it
The people it’s intended to protect will just click “yes” to anything in my experience
I don’t have a statistical analysis of results over a normal distribution of the world population, though 10 months ago
I just tested it by updating something and it didn’t work, so I would say no, we don’t have background updates on F-Droid.