Shit like this should be spray painted over
Comment on oWo 10 months ago
LGBT identity is being exploited by assholes 10 months ago 10 months ago
This is a photoshop. It’s not real. 10 months ago
Cool, I didn’t know 10 months ago
They think LGBT is benefited by having more visibility. In reality it puts them center stage for anti-LGBT rhetoric and the world is more antagonistic. In the 90s nobody cared about the gays. 10 months ago
It was illegal to be gay in my western country in the early 90s. Your opinion is wrong and sucks ass 10 months ago
In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.
I know a guy who was put in the hospital in 1997 because some dudes thought he was gay. 10 months ago
You both have a point and have a not point at the same time. LGBT is benefitted by more visibility, because it being denormalized harms people who are gay/trans/etc. In the 90s, gay marriage was illegal, participating in gay culture with other gay people means risking getting arrested with bullshit charges, and someone’s kid being gay was every parent’s worst nightmare (it still is for some people nowadays unfortunately). More visibility and pushing for more rights and the same integration into society that the “in-group” has naturally means that people who are higher in the hierarchy will throw a tantrum and start committing hate crimes and attacking the group. But making others angry is necessary if you want a disprivileged group to have the same accessibility and rights as the ruling group. 10 months ago