Comment on What's the vaporization temperature of mouse urine? 10 months ago
Get some enzyme spray specifically for addressing pet urine. There are lots of varieties online from pet warehouse places. Nature’s Miracle is a popular one. Get the urine destroyer, the stain and odour eliminator isn’t as good.
It actually breaks down the urine residue as opposed to the other suggestions here which mask or encapsulate the smell without addressing the source.
I have used enzyme on quite a few things I thought would never be usable again - def worth their weight in gold in my experience. 10 months ago
Thanks! This seems like it’s the best solution for my problem, maybe both of them. 10 months ago
Came say this. Also, if bleach won’t damage it, bleach is good. 10 months ago
It’s more about It’s ability to move fluidly and interact with anything else that got itself caught up in the plastic ductwork of the vehicle, other things in the barn I have more time. But spring is upon me, and it won’t be worth fighting over this if I can’t get it to not smell so ridiculous.