So, I have no clue what exactly it is that you want to heat and how you would do it (I somehow imagine you trying to put some part of a car in a microwave or blow drying your radio) but as for whether it would work to eliminate the odor that is bothering you… I am no expert on mouse urine smell but I did work with GC and judging from GC-O measurements you need to go up quite over 100°C to make every molecule that gives off smell volatile. So my guess would be, no, you cannot cook off the smell. My guess is even if you literally boiled a cup of mouse urine for an hour on a stove and let it cool down it would still have some odor left.
That being said, I very much hope I am wrong and you or someone else will prove otherwise!
The way I would go about it is probably to use something like Febreze, basically trying to put the odor molecule into a complex (is this how Febreze works?) where it either cannot bind to your receptors anymore or isn’t volatile anymore. Probably do all of it, first blow dry (?) and heat off what you can, then use some H2O2 spray if the plastic allows it first (might even get some stuff to oxidize and change its properties i.e. the smell), then blow dry (?) it again to heat off what you can, then use an odor neutralizer. 11 months ago
Look into ozone generators or ozium air fresheners. Ozone generators sanitize without heat and help reduce odors but might be expensive and take a long time to be effective (hours to days). Ozium air fresheners absorb the odor and they got the gasoline smell out of my car, no idea how they work but you just leave them in your car.