In America migrants just want to be as American as possible as quickly as possible. We don’t have the experience to help you with this one thing. Americans also just learn Spanish for the largest foreign group between their broken English and our broken Spanish we can work out most things no need for state sponsored translators that is a ludacris idea.
Comment on Building bombings and 14-year-old hitmen: Organized crime overwhelms Sweden 10 months agoOk, I’ll bite, how would you solve the current problem with gangs in Sweden?
This is a giant clash of cultures, covering you wars and shouting “Racist” over and over will acchive nothing.
So let’s hear it, how do you suggest solving the current situation?
Or have you just come to whine? 10 months ago 10 months ago
Ludacris had five on it, ludicrous is the adjective. 10 months ago
How about identifying why these people are joining gangs rather than just “brown people join gangs because theyre brown”
Perhaps its because they are treated differently than their swedish compatriots or perhaps its a socioeconomic reason.
Sadly, i do not have the ability to conjecture without data. However, i can make one thing clear. Theyre not joining gangs “just because”. 10 months ago
Perhaps it’s because there was a country they could just go to without any supporting reason and live on welfare.
I live in Russia, I’m confident they’d have the same problem with Russian immigrants if there were a lot of them and if the same rules would apply to them. It’s definitely not culturally superior to Syria, LOL.
Ah, and to some extent you are right, Swedes are a bit unconsciously racist, I think I’ve seen anonymous polls etc about “whether you’d accept your daughter marrying a ME person” with surprising results. That’s a downside of non-inclusiveness being completely unacceptable in the public space, people are still racist, but there’s no chain of small steps for them to become less so. 10 months ago
The results of those polls arent surprising.
Europeans are racist. Full stop. 10 months ago
Probably because the knee jerk reaction is that ME person ≈ muslim and even aside from islam, ME cultural values are highly misogynistic and very backwards when it comes to women.
To be fair, I’d probably be similarly concerned if my hypothetical daughter was looking to marry a deeply religious christian or hindu also. 10 months ago
Fair, but how do you tell that from racism then?
I mean, one could treat this question as if everything else were fine with that hypothetical person, without adding something we weren’t asking.