No they haven’t. Did you even read what that treaty is about? Countries that already have nuclear weapons get to keep having nuclear weapons, and countries that don’t have nuclear weapons will agree not to develop them in exchange for receiving peaceful nuclear technology. Aside from that, countries must “pursue” disarmament, but the treaty does not actually require it to happen.
Given the recent stirrings of Russia, and our proximity to their main path to the Atlantic (where most of the world’s undersea internet fibres are), disarming would be incredibly foolish. 11 months ago
It’s really an agreement to work towards disarmament, not to just unilaterally disarm regardless of what everyone else is doing.
I can’t see how for example Russia could be disarmed under strict and effective international control in the current climate.
We’re not increasing the number of our warheads in service, just replacing old ones with a new design.