Comment on Nokia tells Reddit it might be infringing on Nokia's patents. 11 months ago
I hate patent trolls, but I will say “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer company”. I hope they both go broke on legal fees.
Comment on Nokia tells Reddit it might be infringing on Nokia's patents. 11 months ago
I hate patent trolls, but I will say “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer company”. I hope they both go broke on legal fees. 11 months ago
Genuine question: does Nokia have a bad history with patent trolling?
To me Nokia is just that old cell phone company that never quite made it even though they were iconic. 11 months ago
They’ve been bought and sold to the point that all that’s left is their patent portfolio. Their current business strategy appears to be “patent troll”. They’ve been holding industry telecommunications methods hostage instead of negotiating fair use fees.