Check my history, I called them out for the NATO one today and they threw all sorts of random shit at me that was off the central point, just looking for a mistake in my wording.
Check my history, I called them out for the NATO one today and they threw all sorts of random shit at me that was off the central point, just looking for a mistake in my wording. 11 months ago
Yep. They were claiming that Putin invaded Ukraine to stop fascists. And that they were liberators. I was like, why would one fascist care what other fascists do? In the US, our fascist, wealthy Republicans largely supported Hitler till pearl harbor. But I did agree with them that the Soviet Union absolutely liberated many countries against their will post WWII. And that those countries still hold it against them to this day.
The gulags were mentioned and they were like, but but but America jails more! To which I told them that was bad. But the West doesn’t kill millions of prisoners the way they did. And all for political dissent, reminding them of just two weeks ago when Putin had Navalny killed for political dissent.
The absurd thing is, I’m one hundred percent down for Marxism. And largely agree politically with his theory plus some modernization. So technically we would agree on a lot of things there. It’s just the Engles and Lenin bullshit I disagree with, and has shown to have failed. Or caused their downfall historically. But they are primarily leninists, dedicated ideologically to authoritarians and strongmen above all reality. 11 months ago
Why does that mean they should be banned? Is speech that we agree with the only permitted speech?
Just because you think they’re wrong doesn’t mean they should be banned. Banning them makes it look like we’re afraid of people reading their points, which gives them power and credibility 11 months ago
I have not commented on whether or not I think they should. Frankly I’m ambivalent. Considering many of the others that have been defederated. I think it’s kind of hypocritical that hasn’t. Personally though I don’t have need or desire to defederate them. It’s pretty easy, if annoying to poke holes in their arguments where important.
However it’s important to remember that each server is answerable to it’s community and ownership. If world defederated from you’d be unaffected. And seeing the disdain has for many types of speech. I’m not overly motivated to make any case to keep them around either. Offering them what they deny others. 11 months ago
So what? If it was wrong to defederate from those other instances then this can be wrong as well
Or, more accurately, answerable to the appearance of a community and ownership. All of the major instances are heavily astroturfed by various state and corporate entities. Which includes both the United States/West and China/Russia. World is western aligned and ML is not. It’s a proxy war in cyberspace, same as occurs on reddit and Twitter and elsewhere. The solution to such a proxy war is not to cede all ground to the West - such action would not promote truth or critical thought 11 months ago
People should have free speech, governments shouldn’t have the ability to degrade our platform with shills and LLMs, especially if they’re spreading propaganda for dictatorships. 11 months ago
I agree, but that is exactly what the United States and the West does.
China, Russia, and Iran do it as well, of course. 11 months ago
How can you agree with Marx and not with Engels? Engels practically did a large chunk of the philosophical heavy lifting for Marxism. 11 months ago
I know right, it’s almost like they’re two different people. gasp Wait a minute they are!
Also, I wouldn’t call might makes right heavy philosophical lifting. There are less objectionable bits that Engles contributed. But some of the worst bits that led to the authoritarianism and brutality common in Marxist leninist structures is pretty strongly attached to him. 11 months ago
Are there any particular texts from Engels that you disagree with? I would be interested to know where you think the split is. From my reading, Engels was mostly involved in the philosophical and scientific side of the development of dialectical materialism and it’s application into Marxism. Eg. “Dialectics of Nature”, “The German ideology”, “Feuerbach and the end of German classical philosophy”,“anti-duhring” etc. I’m not sure where the apparent “brutality” is coming from here?