I’m not against gun ownership. I’m against zero gun ownership regulation. Requiring background checks seems like a no brainer but we cannot even get to that part. The next I would suggest is a weekend long course on the proper use, safety, cleaning, and storage of your weapon before you are allowed to buy one. Finally, I think we should have that class reupped every 2 years to keep your license to own the firearm. It’s a dangerous thing to have around and most good gun owners would support some of this, even if it is a hassle. It could be made fun too though. Free ammo for some range practice or something. Maybe a few for the class covers that, I don’t know. Consider it a meetup with other people with similar interests.
nifty@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Agree, gun ownership should come with discipline and accountability
SendMePhotos@lemmy.world 11 months ago
I am pro gun, I believe that most incidents seem to come from either mishandling or improper/insecure storage.
People need to prioritize safety/security above all with firearms.
… They don’t.