Comment on The New Audi A3 Is Amess With In-Car Subscriptions 11 months ago
This is what happens when cars are basically a necessity to live.
Comment on The New Audi A3 Is Amess With In-Car Subscriptions 11 months ago
This is what happens when cars are basically a necessity to live. 11 months ago
Oh, you’ve got some other magical way of transporting goods across huge physical distances?
Horse and buggy ain’t gonna cut it. 11 months ago
Yeah, I wonder what could transport me across ‘huge physical distances’ at a much greater speeds than cars, at a faction of the cost, and unimaginably smaller destruction to local & global habitats. I swear we had this tech at some point before strategic lobbying against it & ultimately defunding it. Unless you meant ‘huge psychic distances’, then lsd has desired speed.
But also short distances are a problem - cars are often a necessity within cities as well (especially with American mandated suburban zoning hellscape). Which is just stupid.
What makes financial sense does not necessarily make intrinsic sense.
As solution I am ofc referring to naked seagull riding. It’s fun, it’s aggressive towards other riders, no blinkers to use, many get killed in mid air collisions or as bystanders hit by cloaca bombs (since there are now no cars for birds to shit on & seagulls became giant). And they are fueled exclusively by fast food (to make them faster, duh).
Like pigeons from Korgoth
Image 11 months ago
Blast from the past, haven’t thought of korgoth in years 11 months ago
Yeah, I don’t know what’s with my brainhole lately, I don’t know where it got that from in relation to a car post.
Im still mad about Korgoth not getting a series tho. 11 months ago
Least stupid car brain