Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months agoyour car is bricked
Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months agoyour car is bricked 11 months ago
Must be real fun having to explain to customers that their car stops working because they drove too fae away from the nearst cell tower. 11 months ago
If I were malicious enough to design the system, I would make it a heartbeat. Skip too many heartbeats and your car bricks. It could be written in to the terms of the loan since companies are using in-car computers for repossession.
“Why is my car bricked?” “Because you tried to disable our payment verification system.” “I live in a rural area.” “You’re like 1% of customers. Your loan contact says you have to drive within cell range once a month. Fuck you, we’re repossessing the car and keeping the money anyway.”