To be fair you should be using wire guard then. Because multiple of the largest and most well-known security auditing firms in the world have said that openvpn is impossible to truly audit. It’s too large, you can audit individual parts of it, and you can audit individual interactions between parts. But it’s not possible to fully audit.
Meanwhile wireguard is quite small so it can be fairly easily audited by a small team and has been multiple times 11 months ago
As TonyTonyChopper this thread said, sometimes that obscure software is what you are required to use in your institution, or they don’t offer support for anything else. 11 months ago
Yeah it sucks. Of course there are outlying situations where people are obliged to use shit software.
But for those with a choice, just don’t use shit software. 11 months ago
Are these tools implementing proprietary protocols or something? So far I have not found a VPN I couldn’t make work with openvpn or wireguard.