Comment on Fully working 270€ Nest Dropcam will no longer be supported. 11 months agoas a tech enthusiast myself, and i would assume you are one too. Please for the love of god store that video on a hdd, or at least good quality flash first. Get an intel optane module if you don’t want to think about it, those things have the write endurance of a fucking shipping vessel.
Flash is probably the single worst thing you can use for continual writes like that, it’s just universally bad quality. If cost is an issue you can get a used 4tb hdd for like 40 bucks second hand. You probably have one laying around already. 11 months ago
I do, I access them on the local network and the software has a local export feature. So I regularly write the SD card to hdd and wipe the SD 11 months ago
yeah that’s definitely more sensible than what i had thought was going on lol. At that point i’d still probably write to the hdd directly, and use flash as a backup though. It’s also a lot more portable that way. 11 months ago
The flash cards are onboard the cameras, silly as it is. So it’s super convenient, provided they don’t all corrupt at once.
All cameras are well out of reach 11 months ago
oh well that’s just stupid frankly. I understand why, to some degree. But that kind of nullifies the entire existence of security if yeeting the camera and yoinking the card removes any shenanigans that could’ve happened lol.
meh, whatever.