11 months ago
I can relate to not wanting to throw something away if you can just fix it, but I guarantee you will save yourself a lot of time and stress if you just go down to your local thrift shop with a kitchen section and pick one of the dozens of spatulas they will have for like $0.50. 11 months ago
This. If it’s plastic it should be solid plastic. This kind of failure will happen again. 11 months ago
Just get metal with a plastic or wooden handle. I got a $3 one 5 years ago and it works great. Cast iron can handle metal on metal. 11 months ago
Not great for ceramic coatings though.
Ours is like this and is at least 12 years old. I believe the plastic is over molded directly onto metal handle which sits about 1.5 cm into the plastic.
Image 11 months ago
Check the border of the spatula, it looks like you are “eating” it with time, not good for the health 11 months ago
I use metal for CI, and for everything else I use wood.