Comment on those damn vegans! 11 months ago
I have to laugh whenever vegans claim they don't eat living things. Since when are plants and vegetables not living things? They aren't conscious in the same way people are but they do "live," digest, respirate, and reproduce, and some of them have elaborate networks of roots that they use to send chemical signals to each other.
Anyway, not to knock vegans, some of my friends and family are and they seem to be doing great. Just, whenever I'm eating good chicken wings, or ribs, or any meat with a bone in it, I certainly feel glad to have that "carnivorous" side. 11 months ago
[deleted] 11 months ago
Every vegan I've talked to says they don't eat living things. Literally - every one of them. 11 months ago
[deleted] 11 months ago
I am serious, in every discussion I've had about it some one always says, "but plants aren't living things." ?? Since when!
I don't mean to imply that vegans are stupid or ignorant, they have their valid reasons for being vegans. And I'm on the same wavelength with them about sentience in animals - I think they very much are sentient beings, and the way they are harvested for meat is cruel and extreme.
I also think plants have a degree of sentience - in that they can breathe and communicate (via chemicals) to other plants, the way trees "warn" each other of pests through their root systems.
But we're omnivores, and there's no way I can excuse any of it, it's just what we are. We all eat living things. It's human nature. Even mushrooms contain living larva - most canned mushrooms, for example, have some maggots since they are where flies like to lay their eggs. It's just something we learn to live with even it it's gross and/or unpleasant. 11 months ago
I’ve literally never heard a vegan claim to not eat any living thing. We know plants are alive lol. 11 months ago
Since when have plants been alive? This is news to me. Next thing you are going to tell me is that plants also crave Brawndo. 11 months ago
Plants crave Brawndo. That's a great slogan if you ask me. Now I crave it also. 11 months ago
And I'm not trying to say vegans are dumb or ignorant about that. Just that I've had the experience of some of them seeming surprised and disagreeing that plants are living things. 11 months ago
Funny - that is an about face from what vegans used to claim. 11 months ago
You’re saying “vegans” as if we’re a monolith. I’m sure there are vegans who aren’t aware that plants are considered living, but I’m sure there’s about the same percentage of meat eaters who aren’t either. If every vegan you’ve ever talked to (or most, since you’ve made both claims) has this misconception, I’m willing to bet your sample size is extremely small, or you’re being intentionally dishonest to support your initial claim.