Man, if we discover some cancer killing thing and a time machine that can go back it time the first thing I would do would be to help Steve Jobs get better, literally apple just got worse and worse when the “innovator” got replaced by the “logistics and finance” guy
Just look at how Steve did things, if he was confronted with this problem he would probably just do it android style and not screw over people like Timmy does 11 months ago
Their attempt to maliciously comply is both against the spirit of the law - making it a violation in the EU regardless - and the letter of the law: the text mentions that they can’t charge for this.
Time for a nice 10% of global revenues-fine. That’ll do some good in the coffers of the EU. 11 months ago
Oh I so hope you are dead on here. It would be an incredible step forward for modern society. Our world revolves around this tech and it’s about time someone stopped the low hanging fruit aspects of how it’s corrupt. 11 months ago
Perhaps Apple will fund those 800K artillery shells for Ukraine?