Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it

It doesn’t really go into why not.

If governments are going to be pouring money into something, I’d prefer it to be in the tech industry.

Imagine a cold-war / Oppenheimer situation where all the governments are scared that America / Russia / UAE will reach AI supremacy before {{we}} do? Instead of dumping all the moneyz into Lockheed Martin or Raytheon for better pew pew machines - we dump it into better semiconductor machinery, hardware advancements, and other stuff we need for this AI craze.

In the end we might not have a useful AI, but at least we’ve made progression in other things that are useful
