“I live in a trashy society” don’t we all brother
More seriously, you got great advices in the thread, esp the pen and the muffins. You can offer sweets without having it mistaken as a romantic gestures, it then depends on the sweets you offer. A box of chocolates intent can easily be misconstrued, a box of donuts/muffins, much less so. Except if said muffins have hearts on them, it’s all about context.
Good luck !
bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 1 year ago
Protip since you’re young, it’s all fine and good if your friends bust your balls as a joke, but if you genuinely don’t think you can do a nice gesture for a teacher without them incessantly mocking you, you need better friends.
Like if you give a gift to this teacher, and your friends start cracking wise about it, do you think they’ll stop on their own or give you shit about it for the rest of time?
Don’t be embarrassed about wanting to do something nice for someone. If your friends are immature about it, that’s their problem.