Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago
Always hated the controller (never owned one so never got used to it) but pretty sure I remember some old smash buddies dying by the D-pad.
Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago
Always hated the controller (never owned one so never got used to it) but pretty sure I remember some old smash buddies dying by the D-pad. 1 year ago
The Smash community is what keeps this abomination alive to this day. They swear by it even for the Switch and it’s why a peripheral exists to connect it via USB to the Switch. 1 year ago
The GC controller is amazing. I like my Switch Pro and Xbox controllers for pc but neither is as good as the GC controller. It just flows perfectly.
Except for situations when minimal distance between B and Y is required. 1 year ago
What about it do you like so much? My original comment was mostly made in jest. I’m not a fan of it, but I enjoyed typing that comment as if it were the antichrist, incarnate :P
But I am genuinely curious what about it you prefer over the other controllers?
My beef has always been the odd shape, the use of just one shoulder bumper, and the odd choice of the analog controller base which doesn’t allow for perfect circles. Also the nipple analog, of course. 1 year ago
It always felt very ergonomic to me. Also those things could take a beating and keep on rocking.
Yeah, that was a weird one. Could be the big N thought that two would be too similar to the Dualshock.
See, I miss this. I liked being able to “lock” in a direction and move exactly where I wanted to go- you didn’t have to push perfectly accurately on the stick to move in any of the eight compass directions.
Remember, this was a time before the twin-stick FPS formula had been nailed down (c.f. the controls for the original Metroid Prime compared to the Switch remaster) so the C-stick was probably intended to not be used that often- just a logical evolution of the C-Buttons from the N64. Besides, who doesn’t love nipples? :-)
Yep. 1 year ago
Other than needing a left shoulder bumper (which third-party controllers using this layout for the Switch offer), I think it’s perfect. Massive primary A button with a smaller B next to it and the X/Y buttons on the shoulders of the primary button makes excellent placement to me. It’s extra useful when moving between Xbox and Nintendo since they swap the order of the buttons. 1 year ago
kinda weird how Nintendo is against the classic smash community but still made a product that caters towards them 1 year ago
Playing smash on a different controller just feels wrong.