- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
Have you printed the wrench that went to the International Space Station? That is a whole other level of mind blowing.
Like you can download the same file that was sent into Earth’s orbit and the same file that astronauts printed and used to make repairs up there.
I love to tell people that and people just can’t comprehend that we digitally sent a wrench into space lol
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
Oh yeah this is it! Seeing that you could go anywhere in the world was a first for me. I was in awe watching my cousin play on his new Xbox 360 that night. The graphics were astounding and the gameplay was unlike anything I ever saw before.
My brother and I only had the original Xbox at this time but we discovered that Morrowind was available to us for it and so we got that to help the urge we felt.
It wasn’t quite the same hype, but man I’m glad in hindsight so I had more appreciation for the series as a whole. We were still floored away by Morrowind and what we could do.
We were absolutely ready and hyped for 11/11/11. Man that was a night we couldn’t wait for.
- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
This is the crazy part for me. Sometimes I’ll just sit there and stare at a part I designed and printed and just be in awe that this was in my brain a few hours ago and now I’m actually holding it in my hands. Well maybe not this exactly, but as close as I could come to what I was thinking of.
- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
Haven’t made any money from mine nor did I ever intend to. Well, the thought has crossed my mind, but I get more of a thrill out of the looks on peoples’ faces when I gift them something off my machine at no cost to them.
My girlfriend has recently been asking for a lot of customized crochet needle hooks for her collection. They’re not hard at all to design and then send off to the printer. She’s so excited and tells everyone about them and how much she adores them. She’s crocheted me a blanket which I adore too.
I have made a lot of practical things for myself. I don’t know if any of it would ever make up for the amount of money I invested into the 3D printer, monetarily speaking, but the amount of time and energy saved has been worth it when I really needed something custom made and on the fly. The creativity and knowledge built up from using this has also been a plus. Been a nice talent to grow and expand upon and a neat thing to bring up to people.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
Somewhat. We do work with people with Arabic accents which could explain that. But no one with a Caribbean accent and only one person I’m aware of who just started working with us with a French accent. But that’s an interesting theory.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
She did wish some of our team members a happy Ramadan once I can remember. Not exactly confirmation as not just Muslims can wish someone that, but possible.
That’s an interesting theory and seems to line up with some other things I do know of her based on her location somewhat near the Caribbean. This is a possible theory with what little I know about her background.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
Thank you for saying that. I agree.
I do have my limits that I was and am aware of that would make me want to pursue reporting her if it got that far. I felt uncomfortable and uneasy and still do a bit to this day, but don’t feel it warrants any official reports at this time. Thankfully we don’t interact in person which helps with a lot of that.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
I have encountered that before. I remember a kid I went to school with, his family had come from the UK and he had a noticeable accent when speaking to his parents and sister but his accent changed whenever he spoke to us yanks.
That made sense to me and easily understood why he sounded that way depending on who he spoke to.
This coworker…it’s the same group of people each day she speaks to us and none of us have anything but the standard American accent.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
Understood, thanks for the correction. I didn’t mean it in that way but I can see how that’s how it comes off and I’ll be more sensitive in the future.
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
Yeah that’s how I feel about it. Despite the nasty way she responded to me personally, I just try to imagine she may be in pain and leave it alone. Thankfully she did back off eventually.
I didn’t push back on her, but I had apologized for my mistake and she took the opportunity to reply with more unpleasant messages to each apology that I just decided to not say anything else which led to her stopping.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 46 comments
- Comment on Nintendo increases Switch Online service with three distinctive GBA games 7 months ago:
Instead of providing actual features the competitors have had for ages like the ability to talk using the console while playing a game, they add old ass games as a “bonus” since they make it impossible to play these any other way.
Typical Nintendo not even doing the bare minimum.
- Comment on Canceled Fallout game Van Buren rebuilt and playable now thanks to mod 7 months ago:
3D like the Fallout 3 we got as a FPS-like game or 3D like still top down but could rotate the camera, sort of like The Sims or something else entirely?
- Comment on Combat 8 months ago:
And the theme song wouldn’t change.
- Comment on Did you lock your front door when you left home today? 8 months ago:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Promise you won’t rob me? Pinky swear?
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
Since I prefer controller over mouse and keyboard, it’s a lot of games pre-Xbox One era for me. But that is subjective because a lot of people prefer mouse and keyboard.
Games like Oblivion never had a proper way of getting a controller to work with them on the PC release and any tries to get it to work flat out suck. I’ve tried Steam’s button mapping and even that doesn’t work for a lot of these games. But working through an emulator helps translate my controller to the game with almost no issues.
Considering how the Steam Deck plays and you’re usually using it as a controller unless docked, this would be nearly any game from this time period.
- Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago:
The VR version is fun too but not at all worth $70. It’s basically just a polished VR mod.
I really enjoy the thrill of seeing the world in VR and especially being in power armor.
If you can get it on sale ($30 is a fair price, IMO) and enjoy VR games and Fallout, definitely recommend.
- Comment on Xbox president: Studio closures will ensure 'business is healthy for the long term' 9 months ago:
If you didn’t buy up studios and then close them in a year, I think that would be even better for the business side of things. You know, the fact the business didn’t get arbitrarily shut down by the big corporation and all that.
But that’s just me.
- Comment on Current Map of Myanmar Civil War 9 months ago:
I thought the blue was water until seeing the legend. That’s impressive for a rebellion!
- Comment on I'm sorry for all the horse memes, here's some certified gamer food instead 9 months ago:
Thought I was looking at ice cream at first.
- Comment on Resin Printing: Good for a Beginner with Limited Space? 9 months ago:
I got my first SLA printer last year and can confirm, do not get this if you don’t have good ventilation or space away from you.
I print exclusively with water washable resins which are less potent in smell and IIRC toxicity too, and it still smells and the smell still gives me a headache if I try to do something quick without my mask. The smell lingers around the printer when printing even hours after putting on the top cover. I’m working on a solution to air it out through a dryer duct but I don’t think that will be the end all either.
Go with an FDM and print PLA until you have a better arrangement at home. Avoid ABS printing because it has similar effects and dangers for your health as resin printing.
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 10 months ago:
How about fun shapes of healthy foods? There’s this YouTube video of someone doing some
How about some dried fruits or dried vegetables like you can buy in bulk bags at a store like a health food store? My mom and dad got me hooked on dried pineapple and other dried fruits as a kid.
- Comment on Doing nothing is a mandatory biological function. 10 months ago:
My religion specifically states that I am commanded to take a day off for the explicit purpose to rest.
This is your cue that both science and religion are telling you to rest and enjoy the beauty of this world.
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Think of all the money Nintendo lost over people playing that custom content that was paying homage to their beloved titles! Man, sure glad Nintendo scared them into taking those down.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 30 comments
- Comment on Nintendo emulator Pizza Emulators pulls its apps from Google Play store 11 months ago:
Exactly what Nintendo was hoping for. I can’t blame the developers, though. But this sucks.
Old ass game systems where it’s practically impossible or expensive to get the physical games anymore, let alone the console, with some titles locked to those systems, never to be enjoyed again except through emulation.
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT launches on Steam May 16, 2024 11 months ago:
About fucking time. Sony has been dragging on this one. I’m still a bit salty we have to wait 2 months, but I guess that should mean a smoother experience on day 1.
- Comment on happy sun 1 year ago:
“I’m going to ruin this man’s whole day with just one touch of a solar flare”
- Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago:
What about it do you like so much? My original comment was mostly made in jest. I’m not a fan of it, but I enjoyed typing that comment as if it were the antichrist, incarnate :P
But I am genuinely curious what about it you prefer over the other controllers?
My beef has always been the odd shape, the use of just one shoulder bumper, and the odd choice of the analog controller base which doesn’t allow for perfect circles. Also the nipple analog, of course.
- Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago:
The Smash community is what keeps this abomination alive to this day. They swear by it even for the Switch and it’s why a peripheral exists to connect it via USB to the Switch.