Because the economy has added more than 300k jobs in 3 single months over the past year. If you go back to the beginning of 22, that number goes up to 9.
While 300k jobs sounds like a big number, represents a small fraction of our economy. It doesn’t even account for 0.2% of total employment. And that’s over a year.
That being said, I’m glad I snagged my job when I did and that I’m being treated like I’m excelling at it. 1 year ago
Unemployment is at record lows. Some sectors are hiring a lot more people than the tech sector is shedding. It’s not really complicated.
Job sectors come and go, grow and shrink. Imagine how silly I would sound if I said: “there is almost no work for horse cart builders but the gov says that unemployment is at record lows, how can this be?” 1 year ago
It is disgusting to me how these tech workers think the world revolves around them and their field. I remember driving through SF once before COVID, and seeing a billboard ad that said “High speed data where it MATTERS”. At the time, on the other side of the Bay I had a download speed of like 25 Mbps, and was just like “okay I guess I’ll go fuck myself”. 1 year ago
You should try not being so angry and offended all the time. 1 year ago
Fair. Got any tips? 1 year ago
“I want to be able to eat this month, so losing my job would be really bad”
You: Fuck you tech workers! The world doesn’t revolve around you!