Spot on. A word of advice to people in the tech field: save while the sun shines because another thing you can’t time besides the market is when the money will be flowing your way.
I’m somewhat optimistic about the long term prospects because if new technology isn’t the future then what is?
But seriously, don’t pretend like your high salary will last a lifetime and plan accordingly. 1 year ago
Some claimed to have been around long enough to gone through the 2008 recession, but dot com crash would certainly be very unlikely. 1 year ago
I’ve been working in tech in one form or another since about 1994 and even before that if you include “writing some software for some guy’s cash register.” I’ve been through a few of these. They suck, but two years from now it’ll be forgotten. 1 year ago
Ohai. I rode the 1998/99 wave, got hit with the crash, took a cut in one job and grabbed a side-hustle, got laid off in 2006 in the company’s 117th round of layoffs (bru-tal), and never been laid-off again. Because if I even smell a whiff of stink-of-death, I’m out. I still have the side-hustle, and in the gaps I just bulk up on it to narrow the gap. Works okay. Now my main gig is union, and since I deliver on my goals and I’m not a sociopath, I have some confidence they’ll keep me around for a few years. That’d be neat. 1 year ago
Yup. I went back into academia, then rotated between that, military, and government work. Now I’m waiting to see if the other shoe drops and I either sponge off my partner or buy a beach house in Mexico. 1 year ago
Whats your side hustle? 1 year ago
I adjusted to the lower tier fish. Less money, but more stable and less stress. 1 year ago
Since you survived through the year 2000 you gotta tell us your Y2K story 1 year ago
Oh, that’s a fun one. By the actual Y2K I think I had already transitioned into a dot-commie (where it pretty much was ignored), but the run up was interesting. I was previously in a much more Office Space kind of situation. I was the hot new talent using modern technologies like Perl and Java, but virtually everyone else was writing cobol on green screens for an IBM midrange system, with many many hours dedicated to updating code to use four digit dates. These were the days when news channels were predicting airplanes would fall out of the sky, nuclear plants would melt down, and cash registers would stop working entirely. World ending chaos.
The people around me were doing basically the same job for 30 years. I don’t even know enough cobol to write a joke in it, but we’re not talking about Donald Knuth here. I’m talking about green screen terminals connected via token ring or some kind of crap like that.
This is when Gateway Computer stores were in shopping malls and came with stickers on the front boasting about how they were “Y2K compatible” and were upgradable so that 16 MHz 386SX was the last computer you’d ever need.
Getting old is fun, other than the back pain, organ failure, and that memory thing I can’t remember the name of. 1 year ago
'97 here. Could do this shit in my sleep by now lol