Comment on Backdoors that let cops decrypt messages violate human rights, EU court says 11 months…/eu-demands-speed-limiters-all…
One of the most prevalent examples that affect me - it’s a horrible system and most car makers are not able to do it properly, because the camera systems are not cheap enough to be good enough. Mercedes, BMW and so on do it relatively decent, but they’ve gotten so expensive, even the base models are out of my reach now.
This could go on for a while, but to make matters short: The basic idea is cool, but mandating it like they have makes it a nuisance and will make most people turn it off. All of the people I know that have a car that has that system turn it off immediately starting. 11 months ago
That doesn’t seem like a stupid or ridiculous regulation, you even agree that the basic idea is cool. The issue here isn’t the idea of the regulation, but the implementation by manufacturers. It will take time to get the implementation right and when it does the manufacturers will optimize the solution and the price will also come down. I don’t think anyone goes “ABS makes cars so expensive”, because the cost has been optimized. 11 months ago
The difference is, ABS was only mandatory after it was fully developed and actually safe. Same goes for the airbag. This is horseshit, same goes for the AI Rules, EU Cloud initiative, unified power grid and so on. 11 months ago
Airbags are STILL not safe, my guy – they can take your thumbs clean off. 11 months ago
What kind of ridiculous argument is that? You can pinch your dick in a zipper - are zippers unsafe?