Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year agoWrong Australia was able to get rid of guns because everyone was shocked about what happened with a mass shooting, had the right to bear firearms been enshrined in the constitution there would have been a discussion about making a change to it, hasn’t the American constitution ever been amended? Any more reasons why changes can’t happen there? You guys fucking overcame slavery and black people managed to get equal rights (I am sure a few naysayers in the sixties were sceptical about that). Give yourselves more credit 1 year ago
Yes. The American Constitution has been Amended. It takes a 2/3 majority of congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states.
Which is why amendments are almost never passed.
Again, you really don’t understand how laws work here.
The 27th Amendment, the most recent one to be passed, was about congressional salaries. It had been proposed in 1791. It passed in 1992.
And you think we could realistically get guns out of the U.S. Constitution? 1 year ago
You are right, maybe it’s impossible to solve any problems, we should stop bothering. If only someone had told Rosa back then she probably wouldn’t have wasted her time for nothing :) 1 year ago
When did I say it was impossible? It’s happened 27 times. I said it’s not something realistic, at least not at the moment.
Also, what does Rosa Parks have to do with amending the constitution? She wasn’t in the U.S. government and there were no constitutional amendments based on her heroism. If you’re going to reference U.S. history, it’s best not to do it wrongly. 1 year ago
Mentioned her before in this thread,before we went down another rabbit hole of impossible / not realistic to change tour constitution. Wasn’t my intention to discuss constitution amendments, we ended up there after I pointed out that discussions about tipping (and universal healthcare, gun control etc etc) always end up in someone bringing up some reasons why bUT that workeD everywhere eLSe oN thE PlaNet but It Can’t worK Here becAuse blah blah.
I mentioned her not in relation to constitution amendments nor gun control (nor tipping, which ia where we started) just because she didn’t make up excuses about, too hard, unrealistic all the other blah blah I keep hearing here about all the issues the US have