As someone who uses windows to produce music
Exactly and some other media/creative stuff as well. Windows is the only way to run Ableton with full VST support on my own hardware. Then if I’m going to need a Windows workstation anyway, I might as well use it for gaming too, and lump in all my other “power station” uses. It’s sometimes frustrating when you mention this and people who aren’t familiar with these programs to try to debate you or assume you haven’t entertained the alternatives. In my case I run Linux on my laptop and servers, and even some of my instruments like the monome norns and m8 are rpi based. Real time audio synthesis on linux is actually amazing, PureData and Supercollider are the ones I’m somewhat familiar with. 1 year ago
It really is a shame that music production is so painful in Linux. All I need to make the final switch 1 year ago
After leaving Macs (and Logic) switched to LInux over 10 years ago, and haven’t made music since (hardware in boxes). Concur that Linux is a dog’s dinner for music.
I recently heard that newer PipeWire has improved things a quite a lot. Haven’t tried it yet … not sure I remember how to play any instruments any more. 1 year ago
You could try bitwig, the daw is really good and has a native linux client for years. 1 year ago
Ya know … I’ll just give that a close hard look. Thanks!