- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
Ah, that Techlicious link is a great find, thanks. It does lay out clearly what the theoretical concern is. That’s still a far cry from the “Google will start fingerprintint you” scenario that seems to have people up in arms.
Thanks for digging out this link, I really appreciate it.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
Thanks – that’s an announcement about policy updates. I already read it and it says nothing about fingerprinting. The only change to underlying technologies it mentions are the use of e.g. trusted execution environments (the doc for which, per a further link, is in fact on github). Those seem to claim that they let announcers run ad campaigns through Google ads while keeping their campaign data provably locked away from Google. So, basically, all these links are about purported “privacy-enhancing” techs, and you’d be forgiven for taking that with an enormous grain of salt, but either way, nothing in there about fingerprinting.
The Guardian article basically paraphrases the Tuta one – or it’s the other way around, maybe – but does also not provide actual sources.
I just want a source on what fingerprinting Tuta is claiming Google will start using. It feels like that should be front and center to this discussion.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
I’m aware of fingerprinting techniques, thank you. The article is claiming that Google will start using some of those and I’m looking for the source for that claim, hopefully with specifics about which techniques are involved. Confusingly, the article does not appear to provide such a source.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
You’d THINK the article would link to a source about the fingerprinting in question instead of 90% filler slop and ads for their own service… Anyone got a link?
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
The Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, not a circle, and therefore the Earth speeds up or slows down depending on where on its orbit it is at the time. In turn this means that the duration of the solar day fluctuates from day to day, from a bit under 24h to a bit over 24h and back.
So if you take a picture every 24h precisely the sun will appear to move horizontally a little bit on top of the expected vertical movement.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
For serious. I wish they hired remote.
- Comment on Do people still sculpt? Any sculptors here on Lemmy? 7 months ago:
Yes they exist, although it does seem like it’s a bit of a niche medium these days. Hit the art show at your local convention.
I can ask some folks I know if they’d care to comment here.
- Comment on Outer wilds: at what point should I give up? 7 months ago:
Oh man flying to planets manually is TOUGH, the physics engine is just realistic enough that doing it manually takes more skill than I care to develop.
Just use the autopilot. It should offer you to start the autopilot when you select a planet in your map. Is it maybe disabled in the game options?
- Comment on How to know you'll turn out trans? 8 months ago:
Vast question. Finding out who you are is a lifelong process.
My thought: “male” and “female” are, in fact, abstract ideas, simple labels that each imperfectly, awkwardly covers entire, partially overlapping universes of complexity. And in practical reality, no one is all the way in either universe to the entire exclusion of the other.
So perhaps you are fine in a masculine body enjoying feminine-coded traits and activities. Perhaps the body shape that you would like to see in the mirror fluctuates with time or with your mood. Perhaps you are fine with your genitals but would like to have breasts, or perhaps you are fine with your chest but are thrilled by the idea of a vulva between your legs. Perhaps you would love the way you look and feel in a skirt and high socks. Perhaps you just thrive socializing and belonging in groups of women. Perhaps – likely – none of the above, but something else, something lovely I can’t even begin to imagine. Only you can find out.
Ultimately all labels are, to some extent, bullshit. Each human is a rich multitude that defies naming and containment. I hope you love whatever it is you end up finding out are.
- Comment on Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges 8 months ago:
Go fash, lose cash. 👍🏻
- Comment on It's been tough, y'all 9 months ago:
Too real. They’ll steal your heart alright, but goddamn.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
If you are considering picking up Outer Wilds, by god, go in blind. It’s all about finding out.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
It’s a trade-off that works for many. Not much you and I can do about it, even if it’s frustrating.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
Thank you! I know all these things. This still doesn’t help when the DAW support and VST compatibility aren’t there.
If you’re intent on doing music production on Linux, at least do yourself a favor and get a Reaper license, there are few enough pro DAWs that are Linux native. But be aware that many of the big industry VSTs are still not going to work. If you’re fine sticking to e.g. ZynAddSubFX or Pianoteq, though, knock yourself out.
But you can’t reasonably expect musicians to jump those hoops and abandon their fav VSTs when their Windows tooling is there, and works.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
JACK is very cool and if you’re willing to tinker there’s some really awesome stuff that can be done with LADISH session management and e.g. native Linux VSTs.
It’s still a non-option for musicians who just want to do music, not tinkering.
- Comment on What to do if you live on a farm and you're bored but also awesome. 1 year ago:
Moovie night.
- Comment on, a Mastodon instance, has been killed by the Taliban 1 year ago:
Could we, like, leave the clickbait headlines to reddit? Thanks. The admins just decided – wisely – not to renew the domain considering who the fee would go to.
- Comment on Any recommendations for time loop games? 1 year ago:
I was pleasantly taken by surprise when I got around to playing Angels With Scaly Wings. The title and the trailer had given me a very incorrect idea of what the game was going to be like. Once past the somewhat contrived set up, it ended up being a very well paced sci fi story that keeps throwing curve balls at you loop after loop.
- Comment on Any recommendations for time loop games? 1 year ago:
The DLC has a couple of game design choices that I’ve felt detracted from the experience, and put it a notch below the main game. I’m still glad I played it, because the core Outer Wilds vibe is still there, and finishing the main game again after wrapping up the DLC had a worthwhile emotional payoff.
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
What really gets me is how you swapped Alabama and Mississippi just for kicks.
- Comment on A Googler who just resigned after 18 years reflects on the decline of the company he loved 1 year ago:
Big missing piece there: cloud.
In the first half of the 2010s, there was a study from Gartner or another such company, that forecast that the cloud service market would amount to 1 trillion USD/year by 2030 or so, and since then the big players have been racing to try and carve as much as possible of the future juicy pie from Amazon’s hands.
Google completely missed the boat at first then pivoted hard. MS leveraged its deep enterprise presence as hard as it could to get existing customers into its cloud offering; that’s why your MS consumer products (Office, OneDrive, etc) are tied at the hip with cloud these days. Not for consumers, for the business market.
It’s business to business, however, so the generak public doesn’t hear about it a lot. It’s also largely non-sexy, and therefore not headline-worthy, with a few exceptions. The whole AI thing, for instance. But even there, consumers are not the target market. Cloud customers are.
In that sense Google, MS and Amazon absolutely already are the new IBM and Oracle.
Meanwhile, as far as I can tell, Meta is still trying to execute on its mission to connect people while still headed by people who have no idea how people connect. Apple is Apple, keeps just making oodles of money off the kind of people who buy Apple products.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I had the same problem on my first try! I’d been trying to do everything and talk to everyone about everything and just drowned in words.
On my second try, though, I took a different approach: what if I am this guy, just want to get the job done, and only do stuff for the purpose of trying to progress the case? That worked great for me, and the game is structured so this still takes you through much of its contents – only, now, there is a purpose to it.
So, thanks, friend! I am indeed now enjoying this game, and I hope you are enjoying whatever you are playing also.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Finally getting into Disco Elysium after a false start last year. Great game, spectacular writing, though it does require a little bit of investment.
- Comment on Orcas sink another boat in Europe after a nearly hour-long attack 1 year ago:
So you’re saying, let’s maybe not hurry to vote for the Orcas Sinking People’s Boats party? That’s probably good advice actually.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Spoilers. ❤️
But seriously, maybe it just didn’t work for you and that’s okay. Nothing is everything to everyone.
- Comment on Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history 1 year ago:
I think it’s a new thing where the browser does the profiling locally, and supposedly without allowing sites to track you anymore. But of course the sites can still ask the browser for your personal interests in order to serve you ads, so I couldn’t tell you why they think this is any better.
- Comment on The endless battle to banish the world’s most notorious stalker website 1 year ago:
Friend, you do you, and in the meanwhile the rest of us are in fact going to be right there celebrating the fuck out of the deplatforming of a bunch of horrible people whose pastime is literally to drive trans kids to suicide.
- Comment on Encryption-breaking, password-leaking bug in many AMD CPUs could take months to fix 1 year ago:
A CPU performs operations like “read a small bit of thing from the memory into the CPU” and “do a small bit of computation on things inside the CPU” and “put a small bit of thing from the CPU into the memory”.
Doing small bits of computation on things inside the CPU is very fast but moving bits of things from or to the memory is slow in comparison. In order to not be slowed down, CPUs read the code ahead of what is currently being executed, and try to guess what is going to happen and what will need to be moved from the memory into the CPU, so they can do it ahead of time, and have the small bit of thing from the memory already available right there in the CPU. No need to way on slow memory then, so the CPU runs much faster overall. That’s a good thing.
In this case, a researcher found a way to make certain CPUs guess what is going to happen with the code wrong, in such a way that the small bits of things that were read from the memory ahead of time do not get properly cleaned up, and can still be found inside the CPU by another program. Those small bits of things might be your password or banking details, so that’s bad.