Requires a different type of mask, but yes, I have many masks of different types.
It’s 2024, do you not have a mask 1 year ago 1 year ago
And would you describe it as challenging to wear, there one or two times you would need to be in the attic for this task? 1 year ago
You have completely missed the point of attics not being always being very accessible in order to argue for no good reason
Yes, I would. The respirator type mask which you require and that environment is very stuffy and tough on someone like me who has a lung condition.
It being tiny makes it more inaccessible than the need for a mask does. The opening into the attic is narrow. I can fit through it, but most Americans would not be able to. Once up there, you have to crawl. I have medical condition affecting my muscles which makes it exceedingly difficult to crawl.
Point is, once again, that not all attics are accessible. This isn't a discussion about masks. 1 year ago
Obviously if you have medical conditions there’s limitations.
- 1 year ago
No, I’ve used them all up in the last 3 years 1 year ago
They made more.