Most shooters are straight, cis, white males.
You only think so because the media memory holes any shooting by a trans activist.
Why do we not have the covenant shooters full manifesto? Why was it hidden for so long? Because it said things like this -
Wanna kill all you little c*******," one page from the manifesto reads. “Bunch of little f****** w/ your white privlages f*** you f******.” 1 year ago
Ive said it time and time again, conservatives are not a monolith. Please stop acting like it. 1 year ago
More people should hear and understand this on both extreme ends of the political spectrum.
Don’t listen to people who broadly mock an ideology with straw man arguments and broad generalizations. That shit is for children.
If someone says “conservatives always…”/“liberals only think…” or any variation just ignore them. 1 year ago
Also it’s odd that you’re complaining that I’m grouping republicans together (for a post/article you guys agree with and support), but when someone comes along and says “dEMocRatS aRe VIoLenT” you’re silent. 1 year ago
Can you link to somewhere blameta did this? 1 year ago
This is just the past month alone, and just one user. Admittedly, 90% of these kinds of statements come from winter. But every single one, not a peep out of the mods saying “hey, don’t say that, democrats are not a monoloth”.
The exact one about democrats being racist must have been from a while ago. And tbh I don’t care enough to go digging for it. My point has been made. 1 year ago
Guys I think this might be a joke 1 year ago
If you’re going to comment, at least try to address what I’m saying. 1 year ago
You know what? Fuck it.
Saying “Gun violence” instead of “Violence” is dog whistling that you care more about disarming people than saving lives.
That aside, yes, most political violence world wide is right wing violence. This is mainly due to Islamic terrorism, which is right wing. Note that is not American right wing.
Define shootings. Because with one definition, you can have 300+ shootings every year, but that counts gang violence, and suddenly white men aren’t the biggest contributors to the stat anymore. I’ll let you guess which demographic would, since you brought it up.
Alternatively, excluding gang violence, you can have under a dozen every year, and white men are the biggest contributors. Not per capita, but still in absolute numbers.
Guess what? They have a right wing bias. They generally don’t report shootings because there’s no angle. Left wing sites do report on them because they want to push an anti-gun narrative, that and ratings.
Don’t think I didn’t notice just how light on details that AP is. They talk a bunch about the victims and Joel osteen, but they barely give you her name. They are pushing an angle by omission. Same as fox, same as cbs, same as every news site. 1 year ago
I’m saying gun violence because that’s the topic. Getting upset over this wording is like getting upset somebody calls a ride on a plane “air travel” instead of “travel”. That’s the category of the subject being discussed.
Even if you’re just limiting to domestic terrorism, right wing terrorism is the majority of said terrorism.
I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about politically motivated attacks when I was talking about the straight white shooters thing. Gang violence isn’t really politically motivated.
And your numbers are way off, even by the other definition:…/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shoote…
So when left wing sources push an angle, it’s to reduce deaths. When right wing sources push an angle, it’s to demonize minorities who are already at risk for violence.
And you think that makes you look good? That makes it far worse.
Glorifying shooters only makes copy cats more likely. The AP is being responsible. 1 year ago
There’s an easy way to get him to stop posting coal 1 year ago
Even if I get banned, someone else will carry the torch for me and will bring reason to this place. 1 year ago
Do you honestly think you’re bringing reason to this place?