Comment on I like big beds and I cannot lie, pt 2. Any hints to improve ASA adhesion? 1 year ago
I swear by Buildtak surface for abs and also really like their nylon surface. Its enabled me to do brimless prints on both of them with no issue. The downside is it’s a consumable and runs about 50 cad for the 350 mm^2 v2, I can get multiple for my mk3s for the same price, have also swapped from the satin plate to buildtak for abs on that.
I also totally recommend Ellis’ superslicer profiles as a jumping off point for the v2, there’s profiles all they way up to uhf+cht flow rates and there’s 45deg versions of all of them which as was pointed out does often make the edges look a bit nicer
With all that though, abs can be tough for larger objects and you really should have a heated chamber in that case, I tend to go petg for those parts where I don’t need high temp 1 year ago
Huh, maybe I’ll have to see if I can grab some buildtack. But before I do that I probably need to get my chamber temps up. The last thing I want is for the bed to get pulled up with the print. I do have 2x bedfans, so I’ll probably add two more. I also don’t have a chamber thermostor.
My profile is pretty close to Ellis’, including the 45 degree part orientation - not that I have a ton of choice there with parts this size, lol. 1 year ago
For sure, I couldn’t do 45 degree when I was printing a nevermore max, for the life of me I couldn’t get it to print nicely in abs. I’m planning to do some upgrades soon so I’m also going to up my bedfans to 4.
Do you have a toolhead PCB? A lot of them have a temp sensor on them, using that to monitor chamber temps. 1 year ago
I don’t have a tool head PCB. If/when I go CAN I’ll convert over. I made sure I have an inline connector for every group of wires going into my Stealthburner, so it’s still fast and easy to swap. That is probably where I’ll put the thermostor though. I’ve also used my hot end. Just leave it cold and it will read a delayed chamber temp.