Comment on If you didn't get an invite for Arc on Windows, give Firefox + Sidebery a try 1 year agoBrowser:
Comment on If you didn't get an invite for Arc on Windows, give Firefox + Sidebery a try 1 year agoBrowser: 1 year ago
Yeah, not really seeing what this provides that I don’t already get from Firefox. If it can get some people off Chrome or Safari that’s good I guess, but at the end of the day is this just yet another Chromium based browser? 1 year ago
Yep, same. FF has been my go to browser for years 1 year ago
Genuinely don’t comprehend why anyone uses anything other than Firefox. FF + uBlock makes the internet so much better 1 year ago
Arc has uBlock installed by default. ;-) 1 year ago
Can Firefox cast a full page yet to Chromecast yet? 1 year ago
Arc has a lot of unique features, but these are three that fundamentally change how you use a computer:
Arc syncs tabs between windows. This allows new workflows that just are not possible at all in any other browser. I have five windows open right now, all showing the same set of tabs (which are split into groups, so not all tabs are showing the same group… but some are the same group, for example I opened Sideberry in a new tab in the same group, but I’m reading it in another window).
Arc automatically closes tabs for you. That definitely takes getting used to, but once you do get used to it, it’s awesome.
Finally, there are no bookmarks in Arc. Instead of bookmarks you can “pin” any tab which essentially disables auto-close for that tab. Unlike a bookmark, a tab doesn’t contain a fixed URL. For example i have a Lemmy tab, which by default is the homepage but it could also be this discussion temporarily, then go back to being the homepage again later today.
Those three are tied together in a carefully thought out user interface, with a bunch of other nice little touches like the way audio/video is handled if you’re not in the tab that’s playing media right now. 1 year ago
Hmm, while that’s very interesting, and I’m glad that works for you, nearly all of those things sound terrible to me, particularly that last point. Still all those behaviors seem achievable in Firefox using addons if that’s actually what you wanted. The most trivial one is obviously auto-closing old tabs. There’s already I believe a couple extensions that do exactly that. Syncing tabs between windows would also be pretty trivial, and FF already has the option to sync open tabs and windows between devices. The tab groups thing sounds a bit like profiles in Firefox although not quite. That one would probably require the most work to replicate.
At the end of the day though, any Chromium based browser is really just Chrome with different porcelain on top. Ultimately Google is still calling the shots there and Arc better be careful hitching their wagon to them. That could go very badly for them if they ever do become a big enough thorn in Google’s side. 1 year ago
Yea, I’m not sold. Arc needs some better copy to convince me to try a browser based on Chrome that has such weird behaviour that I can’t see any benefit to my usage.
On top of that, they want an email address to download.
Um, no, fuck you and your tracking. 1 year ago
That sounds shit.