amazing. the very first line told me everything I need to know about what kind of person you really are.
“those trans people don’t act the same way as me, so they’re obviously wrong.”
grow up, man. not everyone is going to agree with your weird victim-obsessed ideals. 1 year ago
Not a quote. You’re intentionally misinterpreting what I posted. I’ll just keave this here for you to read again because you obviously would rather engage in throwing hot garbage around than produce a valid counterpoint.
My original post again was:
If they enjoy HP, that’s fine, but to deny that positive discourse around the franchise supports JKR and subtly and overtly, as well as reinforces her bigotry, is naive.
There are plenty of people who are willing to do the easy thing even if it ends up being harmful to themselves and others. Trans people are no exception to this kind of behavior.
It’s not like I haven’t encountered abrasive trans people, but oftentimes their anger and resentment comes from a place that is completely understandable. They often have to put so much of their grievances aside to assuage the masses because otherwise they are immediately villified, even amongst those that are supposed to be their supporters.
I personally don’t have much respect for those that are willing to turn a blind eye to the harm others obviously do just to go support them directly or indirectly for the sake of enjoying a piece of somewhat entertaining content.
The discomfort of seeing trans people getting angry about this shouldn’t inherently mean whoever brought up the grievance in a vehement manner ia immediately in the wrong. Sure, maybe they were a jerk about expressing it, but it doesn’t mean they were wrong. And dancing around it trying to be nice about the ”seeing both sides of the story" disxourse has proven ineffective at changing the discourse, so yeah, people are emptional and human and get frustrated when they dont feel heard, so they shout.
They know it won’t help, but what other option have you left them then? You’ve proven with your words, silence, actions, and inactions, that ultimately you don’t stand with them. You stand with HP, and as uncomfortable a truth as it is that you all refuse to acknowledge, you stand with JKR.
I’m somehow failing to find your misquote within my original post. Could you please point out which line has this hot garbage?:
Cuz nowhere did I even indicate this. I don’t want them to think the same as me. I’m expressing my opinion that you obviously disagree with. But to misquote me is petty and pointless. Either present a valid counterpoint or take your ball and go home.