Nani? Where have you been since 1983?
Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago
Discord is trash, but nobody seems to have presented anything better. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I just wanna chat over the internet using some sort of relay. If only there were a solution. 1 year ago
chat over the internet using some sort of relay
Like an internet realy chat? I wonder if that exists. We could call it IRC 1 year ago
Earth? Or at least someplace that resembles it. 1 year ago
Other then it being closed garden that isn't indexable on the web why do you think it's trash?
The stuff before it were not good. 1 year ago
Other than it being closed garden that isn’t indexable on the web
“Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?” 1 year ago
Discord is great for providing a community chatroom for both voice and text. It started, and still is, as the combination of IRC and Teamspeak/Ventrilo, now just with more bloat and memes. That people are trying to use the “IRCTeamspeak” as the entire information platform for their open source project is just mental, as it puts everything hidden behind a login requirement, unindexable and unsearchable on any search engine in an ever-changing stream of unrelated discussion.
Stick your bug reports and issues in a Github/Gitlab etc tracker, your information into a Wiki, and set up a forum. The discord can exist alongside these, but it cannot properly replace any of them. 1 year ago
I feel it maybe an administration issues. There are third-party bots allowing integration, channel/thread/role permissions which I find great but can be a hassle to set up.
A perfectly setup discord server with automation and webhooks, updates, permissions would be great. But setup of one is too complicated for the masses.
Segregating discord channels bases on roles, and staying on top of it with user influx - that would be perfect. Less than a percent (anectode) of channels can achieve simplicity like this.