- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Other than it being closed garden that isn’t indexable on the web
“Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”
- Comment on I'd "Aaa" too tbh 1 year ago:
Page is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schistosoma_haematobium for anyone curious
- Comment on Unity apologizes and updates their infamous Runtime Fee 1 year ago:
So, I still don’t trust Unity, and wouldn’t in good faith advise its use moving forward given that there’s no way to know they wont try to pull this again in the future. However, I feel there’s a part of the post that you’ve left conspicuously out of this response.
But you still never answered how we can trust the install numbers that your tool supposedly collects
They addressed this, see this copied paragraph, emphasis mine:
For games that are subject to the runtime fee, we are giving you a choice of either a 2.5% revenue share or the calculated amount based on the number of new people engaging with your game each month. Both of these numbers are self-reported from data you already have available. You will always be billed the lesser amount.
This also addresses two your immediate followup concerns, piracy and install-bombs – always being billed the lesser amount would act as a safety valve against unprofitable install spikes, on top of the fact that using licensee-reported numbers allows for agency on the part of the licensee to screen for malicious activity before being billed.
- Comment on Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes 1 year ago:
'member blackfaxing?
- Comment on All 50 states with the same naming convention as West Virginia 1 year ago:
It’s appropriate that they all be slightly wrong, though. Virginia extends slightly west of West Virginia, so West Virginia should really be North Virginia. To use the same naming convention means to carry similar errors.