Comment on Taylor is getting all the attention 1 year agoThen treat it equally. Share the news when you see it. Make some noise.
Media cares about things because it generates clicks. If your issue is that it doesn’t generate enough clicks, and therefore doesn’t get enough coverage, then your issue is with society. You can work to change that by publicizing all such molestations equally. Be the change, and all that jazz. 1 year ago
lol thats what im doing right now. im making noise because I LEARNED ABOUT THIS FROM A DAMN MEME 1 year ago
Yeah, but you’re making noise by saying it sucks women are covered more. You don’t need to push one side down to lift the other end up. It’s not a seesaw. 1 year ago
I never said anything close to that. Yes I’m saying it sucks women get more coverage then men, but nothing I said came even close to implying we need we need to push women down. Not a single word came close to that. I am not even sure how you got there? I am saying men need equal coverage. Simple as that.
This, this right here is a whole other can of worms. You cant ever approach a issue where men get the short end of the stick without someone coming along and crying that you are trying to drag women down. Why does it have to be like this? 1 year ago
There’s an old saying. Never look at someone else’s bowl, except to see if they have enough food.
You don’t even need to mention women in this. That’s my point. Even bringing them into the picture riles up the jimmies of all the incels out there, and gives them something to cling to and justify hatred of women.