Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year agoYou think people are going to start burning their apartment buildings?
I’m all for chaos and rebuilding apartments makes me money but I’m not sure this is going to become a thing. 1 year ago
Yes I do. They did it before why wouldn't they do it again? 1 year ago
I dunno, the choice between squatting for a couple of years while ignoring court orders seems better than torching the place. Maybe I’m not chaotic enough! 1 year ago
I agree, but sometimes reason vanishes when people are under great stress. The first neighborhoods put to fire in Detroit were the same low income, majority black ones the arsenists lived in. It made no sense to attack the homes of their neighbors but they did it anyways. The anger was as intense as the flames, no one was spared. 1 year ago
I volunteer to help out in any way that I can