- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
At least five years ago. Probably more like 18 or 20.
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
I volunteer to help out in any way that I can
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
Let’s start hunting landlords, and when they’re gone we move on to the CEOs
- Comment on What are these plants called? 1 year ago:
Organic nature pegs
- Comment on Best of Steam 2023: The Year's Top Games measured by Gross Revenue 1 year ago:
Vampire survivors in the platinum level under the steam deck category makes me happy. I love that game. Big ups poncle!
- Comment on My favorite gender 1 year ago:
Maybe it’s a main cast/non guest star only meme?
- Comment on Never forgetti 1 year ago:
Ah, high school
- Comment on Who here wants radiation? 1 year ago:
I think it’s a long exposure, but yeah, there was a guy in there for a “hot” minute! (Get it? Because radiation!)
- Comment on Now with **extreme** deep-conversation action! 1 year ago:
I might actually buy and play with TNG action figures and playsets.
Playmates? Make it so.
- Comment on The Steam Deck OLED is out now and ready to ship immediately 1 year ago:
I got a limited edition one! 2-4 week delivery ☹️
- Comment on Only You Can Prevent The Game Awards Hype Cycle - Aftermath 1 year ago:
I can’t believe an event created by Geoff Keighly could be generic or average
- Comment on How does dog pee ownership work? 1 year ago:
So it’s more like a dog guest book, got it. Does anyone know why they pee where they pee? My dog picks a particular spot in the bushes at my parent’s house and he does it without fail every time.
And my male dog pees on the same spot as my female dog. What up with that?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The only way I saw later stages was in walkthroughs and magazines. I should go back and try it again, I think I bought the collection recently.
- Comment on Republican Senators 1 year ago:
And where should I keep this skincare ointment? In my lady purse?! I’ll take my stake with extra asbestos, thank you very much.
- Comment on So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off 1 year ago:
Self driving will be available next year.*
*since 2014
- Comment on Only 'Akoochemoya' that Beltram is going to say is with the Commanders foot halfway up his ass 1 year ago:
She narrated a geocentrism documentary (or contributed voice over for it?) but she said she was misled into doing it. So, no.
But that doesn’t excuse Harry Kim of being an incel!
- Comment on Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate 1 year ago:
Stop it, I can only get so erect
- Comment on Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate 1 year ago:
Because that doesn’t already happen. Ever heard of drugs?
- Comment on Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate 1 year ago:
I’d rather he squalor in obscurity for the rest of his life. It seems a much better punishment.
- Comment on Apple removes app created by Andrew Tate 1 year ago:
Lucky. Try to avoid hearing him for as long as possible.
Imagine a guy who dominates conversations by talking louder and a bit faster than everyone else, and doesn’t pronounce his Ts. Instead of kitten, he says ki-en, or instead of Bugatti, he says boo-gah-ee. He says the last one a lot.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Exactly, the transporter beam bounced back off the atmosphere and made a copy of Riker if I remember correctly. It was a unique trait of that particular planet.
- Comment on I moved to Seattle for a high-paying tech job. It turned out to be the loneliest time of my life. 1 year ago:
Great way to put it. If you make six figures a year, your options for leisure time activities and hobbies are much greater.
- Comment on I moved to Seattle for a high-paying tech job. It turned out to be the loneliest time of my life. 1 year ago:
The timing certainly sucked since he moved to seattle when Covid hit, but he comes across as pretty boring. Get some hobbies guy, and work on your personality.
- Comment on According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value and could be worth just $4 billion 1 year ago:
Or, you know, you could keep it to yourself and wait until someone asks for it.
- Comment on According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value and could be worth just $4 billion 1 year ago:
Every shitty thing can be traced back to ego.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Garak looks like he’s wearing a bedazzled TNG era engineering uniform
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
An opportunity to link this!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
And she got some interstellar strange, didn’t she? Riker, you old scamp!
- Comment on The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. 1 year ago:
And my axe!
- Comment on Sure it's artificial, but is it intelligent? 1 year ago:
Yeah I want to read the story