- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
I use Fusion every day for like 10 hours a day and never see these messages. You just have a local bug. If you aren't making production models then the free services are for you. This software is still a bargain compared to what was available 15 years ago.
- Comment on Advice on first 3D printer 1 year ago:
If you don't need a big volume to start then this one:'ve been printing since the first Replicator and these days you don't have to go thru all the trouble and learning experience of that's not your thing. Get something that just works and requires little setup so you can enjoy it and hopefully grow your hobby. Many people buy and ender, get frustrated and then throw it up on marketplace for sale after it sits unused for a while.
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
I came here to recommended "Sentenced to Burn" by them
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
I agree, but sometimes reason vanishes when people are under great stress. The first neighborhoods put to fire in Detroit were the same low income, majority black ones the arsenists lived in. It made no sense to attack the homes of their neighbors but they did it anyways. The anger was as intense as the flames, no one was spared.
- Comment on How did China get so good at chips and AI? Congressional investigation blames American venture capitalists 1 year ago:
Capitalists are only loyal to a big pile of money.
- Comment on There are two kinds of people on earth: peope who are stupid and people who know they are stupid. What kind are you? 1 year ago:
I am a person who never makes a misteak.
- Comment on What's stopping you from coding like this ? 1 year ago:
Lack of a yoga mat or you wouldn't be able to stop me 😉
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
Yes I do. They did it before why wouldn't they do it again?
- Comment on Millions can no longer afford their rent 1 year ago:
A different story but Detroit had an issue with housing and laws that prevented certain people from buying homes, getting mortgages, applying for well paying jobs all while getting abused and sometimes killed by the police. Some of those people revolted, not all, not even a significant number. They burned down everything, including the homes they could not buy and it brought down a city.
I could absolutely see this happening again because of abnormal rents. These landlords are going to upset enough people to the point when the group with no hope for their future just starts burning it all down. Why should they care about society when society doesn't care about them? Fire is so easy to start, and as Detroit found out, so hard to stop.
- Comment on Why does it seem that people dislike recordings of their voice more than photos of themselves? 1 year ago:
It's because I sound like a baritone woman. Everybody calls me ma'am on the phone. When I was younger my parents thought I was gay because of my voice. I would prefer to sound like Gilbert Godfrey over this shit voice 😽
- Comment on Littering is a crime punishable by fines, jail time, or both. 1 year ago:
Well fuck me it's this fucker! How you fucking doing fuckface? What a fucking year eh?
- Comment on Investigative journalist friendlyjordies gets firebombed as a silencing tactic, police do nothing, eventually forcing them to take down their investigation. 1 year ago:
It'a already happening in the US too. Courts have absolved our police from actually having to do what they were hired to do. So now they wait outside of mass killings, shoot to kill innocent people, rob citizens with no consequences. Why would they bother doing their job anymore, they have guns and most people think those things just happen to "other" people.
- Comment on Ate the onion 1 year ago:
I would have bought it just to trigger my parents
- Comment on Good morning Lemmy. 1 year ago:
Major fashion faux pas. That yellow basket does not match his nipples.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro review: magic, until it’s not 1 year ago:
The future Apple wants us to have:
footure - Comment on Janeway’s “Tuvix” Decision Divides ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ Cast: “It Kind Of Hurt Her Character” 1 year ago:
I would have been on Tuvix's side if they were cuter but I still see their face in my nightmares.
- Comment on I would have disowned him too. 1 year ago:
Or a tailor that never learned to spell. Im actually jealous. My name is Brock Shitshoveler and I bet you can guess what I do for a living.
- Comment on I would have disowned him too. 1 year ago:
His first clue they didn't live him was the fact his name's Taylor. It's a job title not a name.
- Comment on ah, how genuinely delicious 1 year ago:
Blowing on it adds flavor
- Comment on Especially on Lemmy 1 year ago:
It's how my mom looks at me too. (I'm going to hell I guess)
- Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla 1 year ago:
- Comment on Bakers be like 1 year ago:
"Jesse it's time to cook"
that show could have went either way and it would have been a hil
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
I have eaten some before, not today. I survived and it was 3 pickles too.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
I just bought some pickles today, AMA.
- Comment on Should this be in unethical life pro tips 1 year ago:
If that is unethical then all of religion is unethical hey wait a second...
- Comment on Bring Karma back (if you want, no hard feelings pls), but without toxicity (maybe)! 1 year ago:
It's not needed. It doesn't drive originality or communication and encourages the exact opposite. I don't post here to get popular but for my own enjoyment. I look forward to the day the niche communities I loved on reddit become a thing here without the karma influence, would hate to have it just be another reddit.
- Comment on Every time I'm trying to decide what new show I should check out 1 year ago:
It has my favorite scene in it when Garak accuses Dukat of having a crush on Kora and the shocked "Garak" response from him was so comical.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
You should visit the Popeye's in Detroit. You place your order, sometimes you get a bag full of food you didn't order and appreciate the generosity. Other times the staff takes a 30min weed break before they get to serving you. It's a special place.
- Comment on Billionaires are hoarding trillions in untaxed wealth. They want the Supreme Court to keep it that way 1 year ago:
What if you suddenly become trillionaire one day, just because you worked so much harder than the 10,000 people that work for you. Then you will regret supporting these wealthist laws. That's right, being rich is now a race and you all should be ashamed of your prejudice!