Mode also is only similar to median in a normal distribution. Anything else and mode and median are very different.
Comment on Why do we use average instead of mode? 1 year ago
Mode is a kind of average. I infer that you mean “mean” when you say “average” here.
The mean takes into account outliers in a way that the mode doesn’t.
I don’t know why the mean is the “default” average. In many situations, the mode or median makes more sense. 1 year ago 1 year ago
such as the average net worth of the people in a country.
And the mean average makes no sense here either, which is why incomes and wealth are almost always quoted as medians instead of means, unless they’re totals which is a roundabout way of reporting the mean (if you know the population baseline).
The more unequal a country, the larger the difference between mean and median incomes. 1 year ago
Sorry, i meant mean, but yeah mode definitely seems better to me, you are very unlikely to find a person/thing who/that has average qualities/stats 1 year ago
Now I understand better how you’re thinking. Indeed, the notion of “what the average person has” is answered better by the median, but the notion of “What’s most typical” is answered by the mode. 1 year ago
Actually I think that the notion ‘what the average person has’ is bettered answered by mode, I feel like mean is better for kind of plotting a data or points to find a ‘trend’ or something like that, I am hella confused now actually 1 year ago
The mode can’t hope to answer how much money the average person has, because there are far too many possible values.
The mean answers how much money people have on average, but the outliers exert too much influence to answer how much money the average person has.
The median moderates the influence of both the very rich and the very poor, so it better approximates the amount of money that those in the middle of the population have. 1 year ago
Well, the middle line is the median. 😉 1 year ago
Mean is the default “average” because it’s easy to calculate and were taught it first in school. Like, years before median or mode. That’s it, that’s the whole reason. 1 year ago
That makes perfect sense to me. I should have known it was that boring. 1 year ago
Poor old Chebychev is not getting much love here is he.
I guess people might think he was a fan of inequality. (sorry - maths joke, at least I didn't do the one about the LOL numbers). 1 year ago
I didn’t get that far in probability and statistics. I know of his polynomials, but that was a long time ago.