Lie on your resume.
Wait… we weren’t supposed to be doing this for decades already? No one told me.
Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture’: Samsung defends AI photo editing on Galaxy S24 1 year ago
We are truly in a post-truth era
Lie on your resume.
Lie on your resume.
Wait… we weren’t supposed to be doing this for decades already? No one told me. 1 year ago
Photo manipulation has been a thing since photos have been a thing 1 year ago
That’s true, but they didn’t used to sell you a camera claiming it would take a picture when in fact it just invented a picture it thought looked similar to the picture you were trying to take. 1 year ago
“and that’s why cutting and pasting a picture of the moon in the backend of the processing done to your shitty attempt to take a shaky picture of the moon without appreciable amounts of optical zoom to share with absolutely no one that cares is totally fine in a Samsung. You could have been doing that with scissors or MS Paint your whole life” 1 year ago
While that is true, it has gotten incredibly easy to alter and spread such photos. We all love interesting ways to take photos with optical illusions and practical effects.
Just like using a gun. It has gotten very easy to inflict disproportional harm compared to just 50 or 100 years ago. 1 year ago
The only way to stop a bad guy with a camera is a good guy with a camera?