Do you call them boomers to their faces?
Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year agoI’m not looking to fight anyone here. I’m sorry if I came across way. I want to stop my boomer coworkers from hurting LGTBQ people in our organization, and if that resolves in me debating my coworkers then that’s a fight I’m not gonna back down from… #imactuallynotverybadassjustextremelytired 1 year ago 1 year ago
Last time I did was today, but that was in a teasing funny setting, and to a person I hold a great deal of respect for.
I wouldn’t in a discussion, I hate name calling, it’s counter productive. But in my mind… 1 year ago
But it exists in your head, right? Like you have mentally categorised an age of people as boomers, and you’re associating a behaviour with that category? 1 year ago
Hmm I guess you’re right… I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
I think I describe the behavior more than the age group, but I still see what you’re saying. 1 year ago
Oooh I see what you meant now lol. But yeah, I feel you.
What’s funny is that a lot of my coworkers would shit-talk trans people until they learned I was transitioning. Now all of the sudden they’re more nuanced and understanding 🤔 1 year ago
As a 70 year old lesbian, I'd like to suggest you might find some more allies in your organization, please don't assume all boomers are bigots. I have many grey haired allies. I doubt you're as alone as you think you are, but maybe you're just more "out" than they are. Give them the chance to come out and join you.