Gamepass subscriptions currently probably covers this cost just about
Why wouldn’t it scale? They’re not stupid.…/xbox-game-pass-has-over-30-m…
30m last year, over $10 per month on average, $350m+ a month, plus game sales which, contrary to what you’ve said, still exist. New titles result in more console sales and more subscribers. They haven’t shifted to this model to make less money.
They aren’t losing money. 1 year ago
I want to be extremely clear about this, game sales functionally do not exist. We are not going to be discussing the validity of if xbox gamers purchasing Xbox games. We know they are not.
New titles are not resulting in more console sales and subscribers, as those have flatlined.
They have indeed shifted to this model to make less money so that they can be the one making money in a decade. It’s extremely short-sighted to claim otherwise. 1 year ago
25m.> 30m subscribers is not flatlining. Where is a source about console sales and game sales stopping? “We are not going to be…” Uhh why? 1 year ago
literally from your article.
from another ign article 1 year ago
33.3m, higher than I thought, and that’s not including Core. 13% is great growth.