The owner class has, since before the invention of writing, always had limiting the reproduction of the ‘poors’ on their mind. In fact when they were mask-off, European nobility wrote SEVERAL essays about the ‘dangers of unmitigated breeding of the poverty classes’.
Free childcare is too much burden mitigation for them to allow our politicians to even forward it in a serious manner. 1 year ago
We deserve it all. Everyone around the world deserves it all.
Somehow We The People (around the globe; not just US ) need to take the power / money from the few that just want it because of greed. 1 year ago
Stop it. You’re radicalising me. 1 year ago
Is it “radical” to want a safe, happy and comfortable life? I think the wealthy are the radicals for maintaining oppression. 1 year ago
No war but the class war!!! 1 year ago
What classes? 1 year ago
I don’t mean like literally take the riches money or what ever else. I am saying we need to form our own Corperations ,currencies, ETC that will allow the money flow to go to people rather then few ceos / shareholders / politicians around the world. I am not calling for violence. I am calling for ideas on how to get out of oppression… How to dismantle Monopolies ETC.