Kinda crap advice for novices, as shorting means uncapped losses if you’re wrong. You’d have to be very confident other people are making a mistake, as other investors may not worry that power users no longer like Reddit, and stock could still go up.
Comment on Reddit chooses New York Stock Exchange for long-stalled IPO 1 year ago
And as always, remember to short it. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Lemmy not being able to Garner more members is an indication that a reddit is only growing. I would happily sell you short positions 1 year ago
You don’t think that Lemmy and Reddit can both fail to meet expectations? 1 year ago
Shorting is very risky and shouldn’t be done solely because you don’t like a company. Spez isn’t going to care that you shorted his stock when you get margin called.
If you are bearish on Reddit at least do something with a risk floor like selling ITM Covered Calls. Not financial advice, just my 2c.