- Comment on Bethesda Believes Starfield Now Has "Its Own Fanbase" 4 months ago:
The game has issues but the “worst game ever” hyperbole is just click-bait nonsense.
- Comment on Bethesda Believes Starfield Now Has "Its Own Fanbase" 4 months ago:
Kinda with you on this. I’m stilling playing Starfield, and I still think it’s fun. But it isn’t “great” and it could’ve been with a bit more attention to detail.
- Comment on San Francisco says ‘good riddance’ as X prepares to leave 6 months ago:
Well, he doesn’t need a many as he used to…
- Comment on Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows 10 months ago:
My Gen Z son says these are Alphas and he doesn’t want to be associated with them.
- Comment on Queer.af mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
I suppose that depends on your point of view.
- Comment on ‘Zombie Offices’ Spell Trouble for Some Banks - The New York Times 1 year ago:
Turning office space into living space is often mentioned in discussions like this. It should be noted that converting the space is not as easy as it seems. In particular, moving the plumbing infrastructure to support individual bathrooms and kitchens is extremely challenging and it makes some projects impracticable.
- Comment on Reddit chooses New York Stock Exchange for long-stalled IPO 1 year ago:
You don’t think that Lemmy and Reddit can both fail to meet expectations?
- Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
I know how everyone just wants to pipe up and say, “well it didn’t crush me hur hur”, but I actually watched the video. It’s a good record of what went down. I wish it would’ve mentioned Reddit alternatives, but it’s still solid work.
And to anyone who still maintains that the protest has fatally wounded Reddit, look, I’m on your side but Reddit is still the 800 lb gorilla of link aggregation, and most folks still don’t get why they should care about API pricing.
- Comment on xEdit for Starfield Progress is proving ... challenging? 1 year ago:
Since you posted to this old thread, let me share the latest: As of this morning, ElmisterAU has released the RC of xEdit for Starfield. The caveat is that he isn’t sure how forward compatible it will end up being. That said, we’re already seeing mods built with it hitting the Nexus. Took less than 3 hours.
- Comment on xEdit for Starfield Progress is proving ... challenging? 1 year ago:
I think the key point to take from this is that mod object space is a complete mess and the reason why xEdit has not yet been released is not that it doesn’t work yet, but that it can’t be made to work with the game in its current state.
And, yes, mods are making progress, even with things as they currently stand. But these are generally just texture replacers, command infusion, and configuration tweaks. Nothing is being added. For that to happen, we need these object space issues to be addressed.
- Comment on What are the best skills to invest in early in the game? 1 year ago:
Whichever perks you like, try to go broad, rather than deep, into any skill group. Not only is each perk level gated by its own skill test, but many skill benefits (like ship building) are level gated. And the best perks in each skill group require multiple levels of perk investment in previous skill group tiers. If you choose a selection of lower level perks from each group, you are always making progress on something, and never waiting for a single perk to be available.
- Comment on DIY Alternate Start 1 year ago:
This thread still alive? Then one more pointer I wanted to add was that grinding XP on native fauna can probably be done a lot more cheaply with the mining cutter. Free ammo, if you can end the fight fast enough.
- Comment on What is your favourite armour? 1 year ago:
Mods will eventually bring it if BGS doesn’t. But being patient is not a fun pastime.
- Comment on What is your favourite armour? 1 year ago:
Those are good choices. If only the game had transmog.
- Comment on xEdit for Starfield Progress is proving ... challenging? 1 year ago:
BGS seems to have some kinda weird “arms-length” relationship with the modding community. Like, they know who the SFSE guys are, but they never coordinate patch releases with them so that they aren’t mad-rushing to modify the extender to keep everyone’s modded games from crashing. I dunno - maybe there are some sort of legal ramifications at work here. Like, if they help the modders, they become responsible for what gets modded. Or something. I’m just speculating.
It’s kinda funny though. Here we are playing one of BGS’s least buggy releases in history, and now it’s just looking like they swept all the code debt under the carpet and plan on fixing it all “next year”.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 12 comments
- Comment on DIY Alternate Start 1 year ago:
Strictly from an RP POV, the costs are too high. The first time you go through, everyone is excited to see what will happen. Once you’ve done it, though, you realize that you lose everything you built, including your relationships. If you got married, you end up leaving your spouse in some other universe. You essentially have to act like The Hunter to do that over and over, just to power up and see what happens next. It’s something The Pilgrim figures out and tries to warn you about.
As a player, it’s cool to get more and more OP, but if I play like that, I grow less and less attached to my toon and end up logging off. And, really, you don’t need the power upgrades to become OP. I do get, however, that this is exactly how some people like to play and it’s good that they have options too. Even if they’re psychopaths. :-)
- Comment on DIY Alternate Start 1 year ago:
I dunno. I also had exactly one healing pack when I lifted off. I’m not sure if more up-close-and-personal combat would have been the answer, here.
- Comment on DIY Alternate Start 1 year ago:
Yes, once. That taught me that anyone who does NG+ more than once per playthrough is a psychopath.
- Comment on DIY Alternate Start 1 year ago:
Rough guess, 75 & 135.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Comment on [Spoilers]How NG+ affects gameplay 1 year ago:
I feel like maybe there’s a lesson in here, somewhere.
I’m a bit of a role player so I can’t really see my toon doing ng+ more than once. Losing everyone close to you (and everything you’ve built) seems a steep price for more power when you are already pretty powerful. The Pilgrim explicitly makes you admit it before telling you where to look for the Unity.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on Now that we've had SF for a bit, what do you think? Good, flawed, bad? 1 year ago:
70 something hours into it and I’m really enjoying it. Just did the NASA main quest mission and thought it was awesome. But I don’t think this is a good as Skyrim or FO4. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to keep me engaged like this two have. Right now. It’s sitting at a solid 7/10, but that will probably go up once the CK comes out.
- Comment on So why don't npcs have a daily cycle? None of them sleeo or eat! 1 year ago:
I suspect it has something to do with the complexity of extraterrestrial time tracking. How long should they sleep? Local time or UT? Do human sleep cycles eventually sync with their planet? Should shops close during the day if people sleep on a UT schedule? Bah. Nobody gets to sleep.
- Comment on Starfield Slander 1 year ago:
I can’t dispute a single meme, here.
- Comment on What do you build with your outposts? 1 year ago:
I’ve been playing with my outposts for the last few days and I can now say with confidence that they are completely useless. The problem comes down to how storage and cargo links work.
FO4 had a simple “network” system. Add a node to the network, and all nodes had access to all materials at all other nodes. That encouraged you to use each node (settlement) to specialize in some kind of resource, which became building blocks for your crafting node.
In Starfield, you only have access to the material in your backpack, ship, and transfer storage. Everything else is stored in unlabeled boxes that you keep adding as you run out of storage. If you need a mat that isn’t in your backpack, ship, or transfer storage, you have to manually search for it amongst all of your unlabeled boxes. You can attach an assembly machine to a box, but how do you get the right materials into the box? Manually? Everything time? Great fun.
Rather than networking your resource outposts, you daisy chain them. Your first outpost sends everything to your second. Your second takes all of that, adds its own, and sends it to the third. By the time it gets to your crafting outpost, the transfer pipes are hopelessly clogged and you get nothing but your final outpost’s resources showing up. What can I make with Beryleum and He3? This doesn’t really matter because what would you have done with the unsorted mess from all of your other outposts? You can’t feed it automatically into your construction machines, because you will, inevitably, not get the right mix of goods.
So I now have 5 outposts mining elements I can’t use and shipping (some of) them to an outpost that can’t do anything with them. This is hopelessly borked and I will now move on from outpost building for approximately 18 months, after which BGS or modders should have a functional replacement system available. Until then, it is literally pointless.
BTW, I am not a Starfield hater. I just logged my 123rd hour and I’m mostly having a good time. But this seems like a lot of work went into making something that just doesn’t do anything useful.
- Comment on Unity Silently Deletes GitHub Repo that Tracks Terms of Service Changes and Updated Its License - GamerBraves 1 year ago:
Of course, he may not realize that this dries up one of the largest sources of the Unity developers the clients he does care about uses.
- Comment on Rating down at 77% 1 year ago:
When you do the math on pennies per hour, it’s hard to argue that it’s overpriced.
- Comment on Rating down at 77% 1 year ago:
I’m viewing this game as more of a modder’s platform. It’s really the whole reason I play BGS games. As such, it works perfectly the way it is. It’s decent out of the box, but once the CK comes out and the mods start rolling in, it’s going to be perfect.