Comment on Apple Vision Pro from a Young Earth Creationist's View 1 year agoSo this is totally random and unsolicited, but I’ve seen you around some of the communities I’m in and I noticed you sometimes use slashes to emphasize words (i.e. /actual/). Maybe that’s a personal preference, but just in case, I thought I’d let you know that Lemmy supports Markdown formatting, so you can italicize words by wrapping them in asterisks. For example, *actual* becomes actual 1 year ago
Aha, youre not the first person to point this out to me, though you are by far the most polite and least rude.
I know how to do markdowns in lemmy.
I just stylistically like using / encapsulation as a form of emphasis, usually to indicate a tone shift to a more serious and louder tone if you were reading this in your head or aloud.
Ive found that italics and bold and
strikethroughall have different sets of contextual uses that usually evoke slightly different interpretations from most readers, so i kind of just made up my own thing.Italics usually convey either a tone shift down to a softer or near whisper, which can be used for ironic inflexion effect, or to just actually denote an actual whisper, or i often also use it if im writing basically a monologue or dialogue and then want to indicate that some kind of action happens.
Bold text ive found doesnt usually actually imply seriousness to most people, but instead actually something more like a boastful and prideful tone.
I also use it in more serious discussions to focus on key phrases, figures or words that are pivotal to either my argument or the argument of another.
And then of course theres ALL CAPS which usually denotes basically a tone of quite loud, quite agitated, anger, when used sparringly, … or basically that youre either insane, or very old and cant read small caps well.