Comment on Apple Vision Pro from a Young Earth Creationist's View ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

There are actually… or at least were actually people that refuses to use Apple products…

…because the Apple With A Bite Out Of It logo signifies functionally the mark of the beast, as it represents being willing branded by the symbol of the forbidden fruit that eve took a bite out of and doomed humanity for the sake of knowledge to be able to challenge god with.

I dont personally know people like that, but i have absolutely met people who, if you put a vr helmet on them and loaded up say the most recent DOOM game, they would be so shocked and horrified they would actually think the device was a cursed unholy contraption that is an /actual/ portal to hell.

The heavy emphasis on over the top imagery and violence in early shooters is a lot more understandable when you realize the main market demo was basically nerdy white kids rebelling from their very much more normalized extremist christian worldviews in the 90s.
