Comment on A round of applause for Mike Drucker. 1 year agoThat’s what I don’t like about her. She’s just in it for the money, and she’s a vapid mo-fo with nothing much to say. Just like her detractors.
Has it really come to a point where public political discourse is some dumb fuck against some other dumb fuck?
Before you say it was always like that, think it over, because it is not true. 1 year ago
Women’s bodies are literally on the line here and you come with some misogynistic bullshit like that???
You need to take a long hard look at yourself there,sir. 1 year ago
I did, I took a 45 year hard look and I think you’re a hammer seeing everything as nails. 1 year ago
I’m guessing you’re not getting many replies because you’re not forming a coherent argument.
Your first comment was against Taylor Swift expressing the view that her fans should go out and vote. Your second comment is against “what she represents” which you left undefined other than the media cabal which is a separate issue and outside of her control.