Yeah the real takeaway is it’s not necessarily the kids fault that they don’t know these systems deeply as much as it is the fault of OS and app developers taking the path of least resistance and building everything around the stupidest users and their mistakes. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for the growth and development of Power Users.
Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year agoPartially yeah, but atleast Google Drive and Onedrive still have folders to sort and share more than one file, which sometimes gets the kids to actually use those features.
What also killed the basic understanding of PCs, is the way in which everything is now done “in-Browser”. No longer do you need to open Word to edit a document, nor do you need to open Photoshop. It’s all done in the browser, and if you want to simply “save” a document, well, just don’t close the tab and you’re golden. 1 year ago 1 year ago
The biggest crime is in my opinion that Android as an OS was made without allowing the user root access unless they jump through a bunch of hoops. Even if it comes at the cost of a bricked phone, kids should be allowed to experiment with their devices.
Also, from my experience basic graphic design is the newest version of this. The amount of praise I get for understanding basic color theory, as well as not to use JPGs, or Comic Sans for everything is wild. 1 year ago
To be fair to the basic graphic design point: When I was in high school they were busy killing art programs, and that was in the 90’s. It’s kind of hard to know that kind of stuff when it straight isn’t being taught. Honestly, very similar to the computer stuff, so much of it just isn’t taught anymore, and it’s leaving a lot of kids with degraded knowledge of the subjects they’re perusing. 1 year ago
Man, I searched desperately for formal art training in school. The best they had was some “how to draw” book that at least kept me on track practicing every day. The colleges accessible to me have had “art” programs that are more the stuffy turtleneck gallery sort of stuff, and not anything practical, so I’m sad higher-ed didn’t work out either.
I’m proud none of this stopped me so far, but dang I wonder if those kids who got to take art classes and have mentoring art teachers know just how dang lucky they’ve had it… 1 year ago
it is the fault of OS and app developers taking the path of least resistance and building everything around the stupidest users and their mistakes. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for the growth and development of Power Users when everything is locked down and obfuscated to protect the user from themselves.
That’s overly charitable. The developers aren’t doing it just to cater to idiots; they’re doing it because taking away users’ power and turning it into a platform strictly to consume content instead of creating things for themselves gives big tech companies more opportunities to extract money from them. 1 year ago
This is exactly why I’d shut down any of that ridiculous “Kids just know computers these days” crap.
“No, Phyllis, just because 6-year-old-Timmy can crust up your iPad with boogers to consume endless dopamine-pumping content doesn’t mean he has any idea what is happening behind that screen. At all.” 1 year ago
I remember my kids crying the first time they lost their school assignments using Microsoft Office at home. They’d only ever used Google docs and no one taught them to save. They also had no idea what the save icon is or represented (floppy disk). 1 year ago
> my kids
> no one taught them
That was kind of your job m8 1 year ago
I prefer the school of hard knocks. Do you think they know what a save button is now? 1 year ago
This comment made me cackle with evil glee. 1 year ago
I worked for a public library and one of the worst things was, despite CONSTANTLY reminding people that when their computer time ran out, the machine would delete EVERYTHING and restart itself, I’d always get some dope who would gasp in horror at closing time when the script ran. “What happened!? It’s just…g…gone?!” “Did you bring a USB? Email it to yourself? Send it to the print queue yet?” “No, I was just about to finish it!” “…There is literally nothing I can do about this.” “But it was 6 pages and due tomorrow and–”
One dude literally asked me: “Can’t you…hack it or something!?”
It’s physically painful. 1 year ago
My RAM is screaming. 1 year ago
Just download more. 1 year ago
you wouldn’t download a RAM 1 year ago
What about a EWE? 1 year ago
Of course!
smacks forehead 1 year ago
Take a guess on why people still complain about RAM in the current days of 16Gb being one of the cheapest options 1 year ago
I mean I have 64 GB but I’m not wasting it on browser tabs. I’ve got people at work who never close anything, they’ll have 15 tabs, 28 PDFs and 7 Excel spreadsheets open 24/7 because it takes them an hour to remember where they saved them otherwise.
Literally me when I hear them complain about their slow computer:
Image 1 year ago
We open the two Excel “programs” that are the basic tools we need to do our job and RAM usage is at 10gb already.
Our laptops have 16gb of RAM and we need to open even more excel tools and web pages and pdfs… 1 year ago
Unused RAM is wasted RAM, though. Your computer will know when to free it up for more important stuff.